Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Grgas Manifesto

I wrote this throughout senior year of college. I wanted to pass it out as a manifesto to all my fellow graduates at the end of the year. Never got around to it. But here it is. I hope it still applies. I'm not reading it cuz it was meant to get out there as is.


Causes are bogus.

A man need drink only martinis his entire life.

A man is a man’s man and that is why a lady loves him.

Talk is cheap.

Never tell someone to quit smoking unless that person is your child or your mother.

A drink is a drink. Time is time. Drink whenever the mood strikes.

Pants don’t make the man.

Love your shoes.

Wear sunglasses to block the sun’s rays.

Music anytime is good but sometimes there has to be quiet.

A movie is great; a book is better; sometimes a magazine is best.

Don’t be ashamed, and if you are, don’t.

Reading a well-written biography about an interesting person is truly satisfying, though a well-written biography about an uninteresting person is good, too.

Cigarettes are well worth it.

At some point everyone must realize that smoking pot isn’t as good as it once was and that you’re better off drinking a cocktail.

Dig another man’s style.

Don’t half ass a beard.

Wine is fine by me.

What’s funny’s funny.

Money is printed and meant to be spent.

Life is a lyric set to bullshit.

An ego is small and it is large.

Who is serving me my fries?

Don’t over do it with the posters.

There’s nothing wrong with a mustache.

Regret and fear can ruin a man. Do not let it happen.

It’s hard denying Jesus was a cool dude.

The Beatles and their music will never be equaled or understood.

A good ear is a gift.

Staying hydrated is harder than it seems.

Poor weather builds character.

Sometimes the best policy is saying, “fuck it.”

Ask her out.

Masturbating can be great, but take it easy.

It’s more fun pleasing a woman than it is to please yourself.

Less is more. Don’t tell me too much about yourself.

What’s wrong with a little disappointment every now and then?

These are my favorite sunglasses.

(...And then there was a picture of you.)

