Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This is the kind of shit I love: naming non-existent movie prequels to existing movies. I was doing it so much on twitter I decided to just do a big ass list and post it!

Here are all the prequels to AFI's 100 Greatest Movies list! [Click here actual list to compare and see what the movie is the prequel to because some are a little out there at first - but most - I think - make sense in the end! I hope!]

1) Immigrant Kane
2) Berlin
3) The Godhusband
4) Here with the Wind
5) Larry of England
6) N.E.W.T. Student of Oz
7) One Final Left to Go For a Fifth Year Senior
8) Off the the Waterfront
9) Schindler's Thoughts
10) Humming in the Rain
11) My Life's OK
12) Sunup Street
13) The Bridge Over the Tributary Kwai
14) Some Like It Lukewarm
15) Gases That Have Not Yet Formed Together Wars Episode -IV: A Newer Hope
16) Some Details Are Missing Concerning Eve
17) The African Princess
18) Sane Guy
19) Indochinatown
20) Zero Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
21) The Grapes of Mild Disgust
22) 2000: An Earth Journey
23) The Maltese Egg
24) Raging Calf
25) N.L.N.M.T.: The No-Less, No-More Terrestrial
26) Mr. Normalcrush
27) Clyde
28) Apocalypse Soon
29) Mr. Smith Packs His Suitcase for His Trip to Washington
30) The Burying of the Treasure at Sierra Madre
31) Annie Door
32) The Jesusfather
33) Low Noon
34) To Bring a Mockingbird to the Edge of Death Only to Spare It's Life
35) Nothing Has Happened Yet This Late Afternoon
36) 10 Minutes to 12 Cowboy
37) The Best Days of Our Lives
38) Single One Sided Transaction
39) Resident in Training Zhivago
40) North By West
41) West Side Idea
42) Rear Shades
43) Born of Nobility Kong
44) The Conception of a Nation
45) A Streetcar Nicknamed Desire
46) A Clockhobby Orange
47) Rickshaw Driver
48) Lips
49) Sleet White and the 6 Dwarfs
50) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Zygote
51) A Philadelphia Story
52) From Here to a Long Time
53) Wolfgang
54) Some Quiet on the Western Front
55) The Silence of an Unplayed Piano
56) KASH
57) The Second Man
58) Reality
59) Self Respecting Citizen With a Purpose
60) Raiders of That Ark, Right There
61) I Love Heights!
62) Struggling Actor
63) Stageassistantcoach
64) Encountered the Third Kind
65) The Lambs Haven't Stopped Screaming yet, Have They, Clarice?
66) One Single Entity
67) The Manchurian Debater at the National Democratic Convention
68) A Greencard Holder in Paris
69) What's That Guy's Name, Riding in the Distance?
70) The Franco-Prussian Connection
71) Sapling Gump
72) Ben
73) Wurthering Downs
74) Take Your Time, It's Only Silver
75) Getting to Know the Wolves
76) Hamlet Lights
77) American Can of Spray Paint
78) Smooth
79) Before the Deer Turned On Me
80) The Wild One
81) PreHistoric Times
82) Midget
83) Private
84) Outside Fargo
85) Diced Duckling
86) Morale Is High on the Bounty
87) Young Frankstein
88) Dammit, Fucking Rider!
89) Patoff
90) The ASL Signer
91) No One's Fickle Girl
92) Homeless in the Sun
93) Living With My Parents
94) Decentdudes
95) No Pulp Fiction
96) At First They Were Content to Let It Be
97) Intercourse
98) Forgiven
99) The Extension of an Invitation to a Friend
100) Where Can I Find a Feather to Call Macaroni?

1 comment:

  1. I like the list. My favs are #25 and 96, but there are a lot of good ones. My #14 would have been "Few Like it Warm"
