Friday, July 16, 2010

The Summer Blockbuster

There is definitely something very special about a summer blockbuster. Going to the theater on a warm Friday night, the crowds gathering; the anticipation. Call me a nerd or a loser, but I find it exhilarating. There is an electricity in the air, if the movie is big enough, or has been buzzed about enough.

I'm sitting here watching The Dark Knight and remembering when I saw it; or rather, remembering the anticipation leading up to it, and the buzz after it was out. The world was all about The Dark Knight for a summer.

And that's pretty much the point. A good summer blockbuster gets everyone talking, and that creates a community. Everyone sees the same movie, everyone talks about it, and there is that electricity that builds up on top of all the other joys of summer. Parties outdoors, beautiful weather, the beach, baseball, barbeques, all of the stuff that people really get off on, and rightfully so. Summer is special.

A good movie just makes it better. From Jaws to The Dark Knight to Inception, the new Christopher Nolan flick that comes out today. I'm feeling that buzz. I'm feeling the vibe. It feels like it's a sequel to The Dark Knight, it has that kind of electricity around it.

I used to be more into going to see movies on opening night than I am now, back in the Star Wars prequel/Lord of the Rings days. Now, I prefer going to see a flick on six dollar movie night Tuesdays's six dollars and not 12 bucks or whatever. But there are still certain movies I feel I have to see on opening night. I want that buzz, that summer buzz. You need one a summer at least. And I think it's not going to get better than Inception this summer. A Christopher Nolan flick - coming off the heels of The Dark Knight - that looks absolutely insane starring Leo DiCaprio? Ebert gave it 4 stars, which means it's good. (If Ebert doesnt't give a movie four stars I get less interested in seeing the movie because he gives so many movies 4 stars.) All the pieces of the puzzle are there.

So where will I be tonight? At the theater soaking in some of that summer fun. Electricity. I hope Inception is good - I think it will be - but I'm more concerned that the crowd is into it. Yelling, maybe applauding during certain parts (I love it when something badass happens and everyone claps: like when Legolas took down that entire olephant in Return of the King, or when the Joker slammed a pencil through that guys head).

Summer ain't complete without one summer blockbuster. And tonight's the night.

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