Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Makes a Song Great??

I was just thinking about good songs. What makes a good song? What makes a good song great?

The answer: in a nutshell, character. A hot woman may be hot, but a hot woman with character is beautiful. That's the answer. Easy no? You'll still plug in and enjoy that hot woman, but if she has character you'll enjoy the next morning. At least, that's what I think would happen.

And you get it with the great songwriters. So really, it's all about the character of the song writer. Obvious, no? It seems so to me, writing this. I've been listening to some Pete Townshend and some Warren Zevon. Both guys have character. And they make great songs.

Again, as always, it's about people. People are everything in this world, all that there is, and people are the people that make what's worth it in this world worth it.

Two examples, enjoy:

1 comment:

  1. Good commentary, but man, that picture of yours needs an update. Or you need more sleep - though circles under your eyes many you look like you've been on Russian front for a year.
