Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Agenda: MUSIC/District 9

Just gonna go through a few quick songs that really kick my ass.

"Blind" -Tom Waits, Rain Dogs. Let's start strong, eh?: "the only kind of love is stoned blind love." Yes. Your right, Tom. This is song lives in the heart.

........oh, fuck I'm just gonna say Rain Dogs. The whole thing. Few albums compare to it because Tom Waits has a style that cannot be duplicated and the man always stays true to his vision. He is uncompromising. Rain Dogs is a work out of art in the sense of a sculpture or a painting. You hear the whole damned thing in every track as if it were a painting on display. A truer album has never been made.

Plus it's listenable. Subtle, at times grating, but always listenable. MELODY. Music is music because of a melody -- Metal Machine Music has melody therefore it is music.

The songwriting is perfect. It's just so. It fits. It simply exists. Rain Dogs is why people love music but more importantly this kind of album makes other people want to create music. Inspiring.

Other albums Fucking Good Like This (FGLT): Astral Weeks, Van Morrison; Dude Ranch, Blink 182; A Tribute to Jack Johnson, Miles Davis.


District 9 -- Loved it. My heart was racing the entire time. The movie is not a metaphor. It is, of course, but it isn't as well.

D9 is a success because of Sharlto "the Future of Acting" Copley. He gives the movie heart and soul and humor. He rocks it. Go to see this man give a brilliant, NATURAL performance.

This is the kind of movie that needs to be made. One made with heart, care, and skill. Man was my heart pounding. Not as good as The Hurt Locker (how could it be?) but still pretty damned good. See District 9.

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