Monday, August 10, 2009

A Person Who Is Unreliable

1) Doesn't pick up the phone. Pick up your fucking phone. Respond to a text. JOIN THE REST OF THE WORLD.
2) Needs too much time. Do things with a little speed and intensity -- would it kill you to move at a rate faster than a glacial pace?
3) USE YOUR WORDS. Communication is key. Life is based on communication with other HUMAN BEINGS. Listen, interpret, formulate, respond.
4) Blank stares. C'mon! Eye contact! Show some fucking intersest!
5) Call me a fag if I deserve it! Where's your fire?
6) Losing attitude. Glass half empty. Glass fucking shattered and the remains have entered the sole of your foot = bad attitude.
7) INTERESTS. It's important to have interests. Hobbies. Keep occupied with something, anything.
10) Understand that there are highs and lows, for you and other people. Act accordingly but understand that you may need to put on A BRAVE FACE.

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